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Are you curious about “What’s next?” in your work and life?

What if I told you how to find out? Let’s talk about it in today’s #PointsToPonder.

Welcome to International Coaching Week: Today, I’m talking about the deep impact coaching makes in your life if you’re willing to give it a try. Is that you? Maybe you’re in a place in your life where you feel stuck. Things in your work or life just aren’t moving forward, but you feel like they should be. And you’re right: God’s Word calls us move forward in our journey, not remain stagnant. You can read all about it in Philippians 3:12-14.


So how will coaching help you move from where you are today to where you want to be?


  • No. 1: Coaching encourages exploration.I describe coaching with me as creating a sacred space for you to explore what answers God has for you. It’s a confidential conversation that’s covered in prayer where we seek the Lord’s wisdom. (You know, if you ask for wisdom, God will grant it! … See James 1:5 for more.) What will it feel like to explore your life in this type of sacred space?


  • No. 2: Coaching brings discoveries.The coaching conversation is designed to help you look deeper into your life with a sense of respect, curiosity and discovery. Learning more about yourself and how you think can lead to changes in how you show up in your work and your life. How will it feel to deepen your understanding of who you are today? What will it be like to show up differently tomorrow?


  • No. 3: Coaching supports lasting transformation.Coaching works! I can testify not only as a certified coach but as a client who’s worked with my own coach for many years. My life has been so positively impacted by coaching that it’s actually hard to put it into words. I can just say that by working with my coach, I’ve been able to accomplish far more in my life than I ever would have going it alone. And I do the same for you as my client: I get to partner with you as you continue reaching for you goals and seeing them come to life.


Ready for coaching?

I hope you’ve been inspired to learn more about coaching and to share what you’re learning with your family and friends. As a credentialed coach, I’m here to help in your journey to “what’s next” in your work and life, so contact me today!

Jo Heather Dodson is a coach for Christian leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready for “What’s next?” in work and life. She brings a wealth of experience to the coaching conversation. Schedule your no-cost call to find out more today!