Are you discouraged?

Are you discouraged? You don’t have to be!


Are you discouraged?

When you feel discouraged, does it seem to spread to every area of your life? What can you do about it? Find out three tips about discouragement in today’s Points to Ponder.


Watch this week’s video to learn three tips to use to battle back discouragement.

  • No. 1: Do a body scan
  • No. 2: Choose to stop the spread
  • No. 3: Consider turning to the Word


You may be facing tough times in your finances, in your relationships, in your health. Whatever your circumstances may be, please know that God does not want you to live in a state of discouragement.


To take a deeper look at how to overcome discouragement, check out our podcast coming out later this week. You can get access to it by searching for “Love & Encouragement To Live By” on your favorite podcast service or by visiting our website.


Need support?


If your life is changing and you’re not sure what’s your next step, as a credentialed coach, I can help. To connect with me for coaching, contact me today!



