How do you fight off discouragement?

Have you been discouraged lately? It might feel like discouragement has been nipping at your heels like an irritating creature circling your feet, trying to trip you up. If you’re ready to shake it off, check out this encore episode of my “Are you discouraged?” Points to Ponder. In it, you’ll hear three tips on how to be on the lookout for discouragement and what to do when it finds you!


Hello, I’m Jo Heather Dodson, Your Christian Coach, helping you discover what God has next for your life!


Want to hear more about how to fight off discouragement? Watch today’s Points to Ponder.


I bet there are times you really feel discouraged. You’ve lost your enthusiasm for your work or your tasks that have to be done. You may be feeling downhearted or maybe you’ve lost confidence in how things are going to turn out. I’m here today to offer you words of encouragement that I hope will help build you up for the days ahead.

How can you be on the lookout for discouragement? Watch this week’s video to learn three tips:

  • No. 1: Do a body scan
  • No. 2: Choose to stop the spread
  • No. 3: Consider turning to the Word


To take a deeper look at how to overcome discouragement, check out my podcast “Love & Encouragement To Live By” available through your favorite podcast service or by visiting our website.

Ready for coaching?

I hope you’ve been inspired to learn more about coaching and to share what you’re learning with your family and friends. As a credentialed coach, I’m here to help in your journey to “what’s next” in your work and life, so contact me today!

Jo Heather Dodson

Jo Heather Dodson

is a coach for Christian leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready for “What’s next?” in work and life.  She brings a wealth of experience to the coaching conversation.  Schedule your no-cost call to find out more today!