What is generosity? How can it change your life?

Do you long to give back to God a portion of what He has freely given you? Here’s some good news: When you give to the needy, you give to the Lord. Find out the full details on this week’s “Love & Encouragement To Live By” podcast episode 39: Generosity


Check out this week’s “Generosity” podcast episode to find out …

  • Cohosted by Your Christian Coach Jo Heather Dodson and Tammy Thompson. Don’t miss each week’s episode. You can sign up for our newsletter here

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Jo Heather Dodson

Jo Heather Dodson

is a coach for Christian leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready for “What’s next?” in work and life.  She brings a wealth of experience to the coaching conversation.  Schedule your no-cost call to find out more today!