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How can you do more with less time?

Find out in today’s #PointsToPonder.

Hello, I’m Jo Heather Dodson, Your Christian Coach, helping you discover what God has next for your life! Learn more about my coaching services at YourChristianCoach.net

When people talk about doing more with less time, the phrase seems at first puzzling; it makes me think that’s an impossible task. How can you do more with less time? Well, I believe it all boils down to making a plan and putting it into action rather than reacting to whatever or whoever comes your way. 

So how can you do this for yourself?


  • No. 1: Seek God First.

    You may be used to seeking God first when it comes to the big decisions, like where to work or how to spend your money. But what about seeking Him first in how you spend your time? We are called to be good stewards of all the resources the Lord has given us, and that includes our time. Consider Ephesians 5:15: “So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time ….” Ask yourself: How can you seek God’s will in helping you organize your time?

  • No. 2: Put First Things First.

    I have a podcast coming out Thursday about balance. In it, my Podcast Cohost Tammy Thompson talks about making the most important thing the most important thing. Think about it: Do you regularly put first things first? Or do you allow others to impact you to the point that you can’t get done what you need to? There are many resources available to help you: Consider a time-management app on your phone or a notebook where you jot down your top three priorities for each day. Then, challenge yourself to actively use this tool for at least one week. See how it goes, and make adjustments as you need to …

  • No. 3: Stop Procrastinating.

    Do you ever put off your most important task because you know it’s the hardest one of the day? Then, the end of the day comes, and you didn’t complete your most important thing. Meditate on Proverbs 21:5, that says the plans of the diligent lead only to plenty …” What might happen if you pray for God to remove procrastination and idleness from your life?


If you want to learn more about doing more with less time, check out my guest spot on Facebook Live with Consultant Janet Ickes tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. Eastern. You can join in by searching “Excelwithyme123” on Facebook. That’s E-X-C-E-L with me 123 on Facebook.  

Thanks for joining me. And I’ll see you next Tuesday, as we chat more about Points to Ponder.

Ready for coaching?

I hope you’ve been inspired to learn more about coaching and to share what you’re learning with your family and friends. As a credentialed coach, I’m here to help in your journey to “what’s next” in your work and life, so contact me today!

Jo Heather Dodson

Jo Heather Dodson

is a coach for Christian leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready for “What’s next?” in work and life.  She brings a wealth of experience to the coaching conversation.  Schedule your no-cost call to find out more today!