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Why pray?

Have you wondered why you should pray? And how to get started? Find out three powerful tips on prayer in today’s #PointsToPonder.

Hello, I’m Jo Heather Dodson, Your Christian Coach, helping you discover what God has next for your life! Learn more about my coaching services at YourChristianCoach.net

Do you find it a struggle to talk with God because you don’t know where to start? Or do you stop yourself from praying because you think God doesn’t want to hear from someone like you? Well, let me give you three steps to get you started in prayer.  

Three steps for you


  • No. 1: Imagine the Throne Room … Imagine for a moment an amazing throne room. You are a spectator standing outside, watching with envy as the royalty come and go, speaking freely to the King. Guess what: That story isn’t true! You don’t have to wait outside in a long line hoping maybe, just maybe the King will call your name …Through prayer, you have an open invitation to come directly to that throne room. The King is ready and willing with open arms to embrace you. He’s saying: Come in and tell me what’s on your heart and on your mind.
  • No. 2: Let God’s Love give you confidence … It‘s as basic as this: God Loves You! He loves you! Are your past mistakes keeping you from opening your heart to Him through prayer? Don’t let that happen for another moment! God loves you deeply, and the Son of God Jesus Christ came for you and gave His life for you so that you can confidently approach God, praying to Him about anything and everything. What might change if you decided to simply believe He loves you?
  • No. 3: Just start talking … You may not know what to talk to God about. He wants you to seek His input on every area of your life. Just talk to Him about what problem or challenge you’re facing. If you don’t feel comfortable starting there, start by thanking Him for the blessings you’ve experienced today. The more you pray, talking with God in true faith and with a pure heart, the more you will enjoy God and recognize the good gifts He pours into your life.


What they say is true: Prayer changes everything. If you’d like to learn more about prayer, check out my podcast No. 37 called “Power of Prayer” on LoveandEncouragement.com or on your favorite podcast app.

Thanks for joining me. And I’ll see you next Tuesday, as we chat more about Points to Ponder.

Ready for coaching?

I hope you’ve been inspired to learn more about coaching and to share what you’re learning with your family and friends. As a credentialed coach, I’m here to help in your journey to “what’s next” in your work and life, so contact me today!

Jo Heather Dodson

Jo Heather Dodson

is a coach for Christian leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready for “What’s next?” in work and life.  She brings a wealth of experience to the coaching conversation.  Schedule your no-cost call to find out more today!