Gaylord Opryland Resort Nativity
Why memorize God’s Word?
This past weekend, my family and I visited the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee, and saw their life-sized Nativity scene. When they lit it up for the night, they played a recording of Luke 2, the account of the Birth of Jesus. As they played it, my husband and I spontaneously started reciting the account along with the recording. It was such a blessing to have part of that account hidden in our hearts!
Psalm 119:11 says that you should hide God’s Word in your heart, so you won’t sin against God. Memorizing God’s Word draws you closer to God, but it also brings other benefits. Watch this week’s Points to Ponder to hear more.
Points to Ponder
- If you’ve ever memorized scripture, what did it do for you?
- If you haven’t, what might inspire you to give it a try?